I feel honoured that you want to find out a bit more about me! So let me first tell you more in detail who you have virtually in front of you! The serious bits first. Because you are looking for somebody to help you out of your discomfort or illness and you want to be sure you can trust this somebody. But if you want to jump to the random fun facts, then scroll down.

So first things first: Let me tell you, that I have been where you are now, on that same downward spiral of chronic headaches and migraines, paired with weight gain and digestive issues. And unhappiness!

Until one day I found a way to really change, in a manner that I could maintain in time. Since that day I’ve come a long way, but my journey continues. As for everybody else, life happens, so there are ups and downs (and chocolate), but I now know that’s okay.

I know how to climb back onto the wagon when I have fallen off. And how to do that gently without beating myself up. It’s progress, not perfection that counts!

And since I know how disheartening it is to not even know where to start, I became a Certified Health Coach and made it my mission to show people like you how to get out of that spiral and feel nourished, happy and healthy again. And to do so caringly, peacefully and with ease.

My own road to this point has been a bumpy one, but it made me into who I am today and I am grateful that I get to help you to discover yourself in your innate healthy state again, get to cheer you on and be by your side all along your transformation.

Although I had been interested in natural healing techniques and healthy nutrition since my teenage years, I somehow found myself in quite an unhealthy state in my late thirties. Pounds and bad habits had crept up on me without me really being aware of what was going on, but one day I had a real wake up call because my bathroom scales were showing numbers that were far too depressing… I was weighing far too much and suffering from recurring migraines almost every weekend. I went constantly shopping for new cheap clothes in the vain attempt to make myself feel better about my almost 100 kg heavy self. I had lost hope that I could ever look and feel differently.

Until I discovered that changing not so much how much, but more what I ate was having an immense positive impact on my wellbeing. This discovery brought me to experiment with different food, explore the raw food diet, train as a ‘Raw Food Chef and Instructor’ in the US and then finding my real home at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, where I got my Health Coach Certification.

I want to help you to say goodbye to the pain in your life and instead show you how to make small sustainable changes that assist you in feeling better and back in the saddle of your life.

Are you curious about how health coaching can help you by now? Let’s talk. Simply Schedule a free initial consultation with me today.


And here are a few bits and pieces, so you get to know me even more.

Just a few random things you did not know about me yet….


  • I have lived longer abroad than in my home country Germany. With 19 I moved to Rome, with 32 I moved from there to Amsterdam. Only back in Germany since 2015 and loving it although I still really enjoy everything „international“.
  • I love ducks! Just seeing them makes me happy, I love the sounds they make and I could just stand there and watch them for a long time. When I was a teenager I used to go round to neighbours who had a lot of animals and sit in the grass and feed the little ducks. They would come up onto my lap to get their goodies. Ahh, sweet memories!
  • I went – unsuccessfully and traumatically – to ballet lessons when I was a chubby round child. That experience did not last long. But I loved dance and with 16 I went back to dancing lessons for a few years, just for the love of it. When you love something it keeps calling out to you!
  • In Amsterdam I worked in Telecommunications as a Teamleader, then as Project Manager for quite some years. It was a great experience, where I really learned a lot. It’s there that I got to love the vibe of a truly international team.
  • I love blackbirds as well! When they sing in the summer evenings I could just stand near wherever they sit and listen to them transfixed by the beautiful sounds they emit… I once got caught just standing next to a rubbish bin because a blackbird was singing in the tree behind it. Now try to explain that to people! 😀
  • With 16 I turned vegetarian, with 33, after I had moved to Amsterdam, I started to eat a little meat again every now and then and felt actually better whenever I did. Realized the way I ate as a vegetarian had not been necessarily healthy. Too much pasta, even if organic wholemeal, did not make me thrive. Today I know the reason for that. And beyond that I am happy to call myself a flexitarian, listening to whatever my body needs.
  • I have had a driving licence since I am 18, but living abroad and in cities for many years I have never built up a driving experience, so I am not really a driver. Not yet.
  • I love photography and have been taking photographs since a young age. As a 12 year old I even won a price in a photography competition by my local town and as a price got to lunch with the other winners and the mayor of the town. That lunch was a nightmare for me, since as an introvert 12 year old I had no clue what to talk about and felt very intimidated. But I was super proud of the picture in the local news.
  • When still at school I was environmentally rather active and had put up a big bin to collect aluminium for recycling. For some bizar reason I thought I had to wash it before it went to get recycled and tipped it all into our bath tub, only to suddenly realize that I had no clue what to do with it afterwards, as it then was all wet and heavier. I don’t remember what I did with it afterwards, but I still remember the feeling of sudden dismal, realizing that I had done something really dumb…. 😀
  • When I lived in Italy I also lived in the countryside for a while with my then boyfriend. We grew our own grapes to make wine, we harvested olives and got our own olive oil pressed. We also grew wheat and harvested it by hand and I made flour out of it to make pasta and bread. I had three chicken and a cat. It sounds idyllic, but it was actually quite a hard and harsh live. I am extremely thankful for that experience, it has made my life so much richer in many ways and I have learned so much there!
  • I have always been interested in natural and alternative healing methods and in healthy nutrition. With the years going by I somehow forgot parts of this interest or it got buried under the noise of life. When I found this lost love of mine in 2007 again, it was like finding a part of myself again. My last find was Essential Oils. I realized that I had been heavily ‚into them’ as a 20 year old and have welcomed them back into my life again.
  • I like to cook, but I am not really good with fancy presentation. Just when I plan to take photos of the food I make an effort. And often my man has to plate the food, he is more patient than I am.
  • I absolutely love to smile at people and see how their smiling back slowly transforms their face into such beauty! It makes my day when that happens! We need more smiles in the world!

I’d love to exchange smiles with you, in a free 30-minutes clarity call.
Simply book it here.